Coaching with Andra Andra collaborates with people who value their wellbeing to create and express their vision of optimal health and wellness through mindfully based action. Andra is a Health and Wellness coach trained at Duke Integrative Medicine. She specializes in Health and Wellness coaching, Mindful life coaching, and Mindful Sobriety coaching. Discovery session with Andra A 50 minute In-person or phone meeting to evaluate where you are, where you want to go, and how we can work together to get you there.
Exploration Into Action 1) initial assessment and strategy session (up to 90 minutes), 2 support and accountability coaching sessions (up to 45 minutes).
Deep Dive Into Action 1) initial assessment and strategy session (up to 90 minutes), 5 support and accountability coaching sessions (up to 45 minutes). *Weekly coaching email correspondence
Year of the radical shift 1) initial assessment and strategy session (up to 90 minutes), 11 support and accountability sessions (up to 45 minutes). *Unlimited email access Youth mindfulness coaching course 1) initial assessment and strategy session for the family (Care giver) and youth (up to 50 min). Plus 3 mindfulness coaching sessions (Up to 40 minutes) *Includes weekly coaching email correspondence *Weekly coaching email correspondence
Mala's for Your Practice
Andra hand makes these malas to order. Each mala has a unique mantra that can be customized upon request. $85 plus shipping